Auto accident chiropractor helps sort shoulder fractures that can happen in a car accident

Auto accident chiropractor in Charlotte NC deals with multiple problems that most accident victims experience. Car accidents can put your body under stress and dislocate the soft tissues within the shoulder. Shoulder injuries can worsen if not addressed in time so you should visit a chiropractor.

Some signs of shoulder injuries to look out for include:

  • A sharp pain
  • Sense of burning or tingling
  • Numbness
  • Decreased motion

Your chiropractor will inquire about the discomfort you are feeling when you seek chiropractic care. Then, your chiro will examine your shoulder to rule out any muscular strains, bruising, or fractured collarbones. Your ligaments will also be examined for damage.

Here are some treatments your chiropractor can use for shoulder pain.

Spinal adjustment: This procedure realigns the spine to relieve pressure on the joints and bones in the shoulders. Your chiropractor has an understanding of your bone structure, so they can help relieve your shoulder pain by popping the joints and bones back in place.

Chiropractic shoulder adjustments involve gently extending the shoulders to get them back into place. they introduce immediate comfort to the accident victim while helping them recover. In order to reduce discomfort and aid in the body’s natural healing process, this improves blood flow to the damaged area.

Physical therapy: Gentle stretching activities that reduce muscular tension and increase mobility are included in physical activity. Your chiropractor will recommend some exercise options that can help increase muscle strength in the area. The exercises also help with flexibility which makes sure that you can avoid a reoccurrence of a similar injury in the future.

Exercises help reduce pain, minimize swelling and deal with scar tissue. The frequent movements can help restore the full range of motion in the area to return you to the condition you were at before the accident. Full shoulder health and movement can allow you to continue with your normal duties and resume full action at work.

Visit the best auto accident chiropractor in Charlotte NC

Treating your shoulder injury after a car accident can be difficult citing the possible challenges of bone features in the area. You should work with the best auto accident chiropractor in Charlotte NC for the best results.

ChiroCarolina® is among Charlotte’s trusted Chiropractic clinics, popular for its outstanding chiropractic care. We serve Uptown Charlotte, NoDa, and UNCC college areas with our convenient location on North Tryon Street. We are visited by patients throughout the south: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, and Texas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.