Chiropractic clinics and the treatment of shoulder pain
Chiropractic clinics help in providing natural and non-surgical cure to shoulder pain. In the human body, the shoulder is the most mobile joint of all. The shoulder consists of tendons, muscles and joints, it can therefore easily become unstable. The possibilities related to shoulder pain can therefore be very numerous. This is why it is important to consult your chiropractor to determine if your shoulder pain is caused by a musculoskeletal problem or by a more serious condition. Read on to learn how chiropractic clinics can help you if you have shoulder pain.
What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a complementary medicine recognized by the Ministry of Health and WHO. It aims to treat pains related to the spine and dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system (disorders of the muscular and skeletal system). It is mainly based on vertebral manipulations and mobilizations of the joints.
Common Causes of shoulder pain in Charlotte NC
- Falling directly on your shoulder
- Arthritis
- Torn rotator cuff
- Dislocated shoulder
- Pinched nerve in the neck or shoulder
- Broken shoulder or arm bone
- Frozen shoulder
- Injury due to overuse or repetitive use
- Damage to the muscles and tendons around the shoulder
Reduce the risk of shoulder pain
To reduce the risk of shoulder pain, the shoulder muscles need to be strengthened. It is also useful to plan shoulder warm-up exercises before engaging in work that requires exerting a forward force with the arm raised.
If you have to lift objects on high shelves, for example, it is best to use a ladder. In this way, you will avoid stretching to take an object at arm’s length. The principle is simple, your hands should not be higher than your shoulders.
Similarly, when you are in the front seat of an automobile, avoid contorting yourself in order to get a bag, document or suitcase in the back seat. This way of lifting offsets the shoulder while increasing the risk of injury.
Charlotte NC ChiroCarolina® treatment for shoulder pain
Are you are interested in a natural and non-surgical shoulder pain relief method? At ChiroCarolina® we understand our patients have a high value on their quality of life. Dr Ali uses a holistic, noninvasive, drug-free wellness approach that targets the source of your low back pain. Our goal is to provide chiropractic care you can count on.
We welcome our clients to inquire about information for which they may not be sure. We are happy to work with you if you have information from other medical care that you will like to talk about. ChiroCarolina®, one of Charlotte’s premier chiropractic clinics, is known throughout the Southeast for providing the best chiropractic care in the residential, NoDa, and college areas, conveniently located on North Tryon Street. Trust ChiroCarolina® in Charlotte: visited by patients throughout the south: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia and Texas.
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