Chiropractic clinic for children in Charlotte

Chiropractic clinics are as different as the providers that operate them. When it comes to pediatric care, there are great benefits in taking our children to a Charlotte chiropractic clinic. Raising children demands a combination of healthy practices including a proper diet and regular chiropractic visits.

You should start your children early

Parents always want to know the best age to start chiropractic care for kids. Children can benefit from chiropractic care at any age, even infancy. It is a gentle and non-invasive way to correct underlying issues before they start to affect a child’s development. The process of being born places tremendous stress on the infant’s body; especially the spine. Infants and toddlers sleep in awkward positions, take tumbles when learning to walk, and this causes misalignment of their developing spines. Children can tolerate this kind of impact, but it is fairly common to develop injuries that can compromise movement and over time, pull a child’s joints out of alignment. As they grow up, children engage in activities such as hanging from monkey bars, jumping off ramps with a bike, skateboarding, and field sports. These activities are fun and healthy, but there is a high risk of your child experiencing bumps and falls that can cause misalignment of the spine. Regular visits to a chiropractic clinic can ensure that your child will continue to grow in a healthy way.

The first visit is important

The first visit is a big deal. That is why it is important to start children with chiropractic care as early as possible. It’s natural for children to be nervous about the first visit to the chiropractor. Most children that see a chiropractor regularly, enjoy their visits and look forward to experiencing them. The first visit includes a comprehensive exam and gathering detailed family health history. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions. He or she will be able to determine if any treatments are necessary. Treatment is always gentle; and tailored to your child’s size, weight, and spinal condition. Regular chiropractic checkups can help to maximize your child’s health and potential and to prevent future illness or injury.

Care you can count on for your children

The doctors at ChiroCarolina® are experts at the diagnosis and treatment of children of all ages. Patients visit from all over North Carolina, South Carolina, and from as far as Georgia, Florida, and Virginia. ChiroCarolina® provides numerous treatment modalities to aid in their healing and optimal health. Chiropractic care should be an integral part of parental care. If you have children been of any age, call ChiroCarolina®, one of Charlotte’s top chiropractic centers providing top chiropractic care for the uptown, NoDa, and University area- located conveniently off North Tryon Street.