Middle Back Pain Treatment in Charlotte, NC
Back pain is the most common type of pain in America. More people suffer from back pain than any other type of discomfort.
Mid back pain can be caused from muscle strains, poor posture, lifting heavy objects, standing for a long period of time, overexertion, traumatic accidents, sports injuries and more. Mid back pain interferes with activities of daily living. Many people in the Charlotte Metro area consult ChiroCarolina for their back pain issues.
Charlotte Chiropractic treatment for mid back pain has been recognized as having a high success rate. For patients who are looking for an alternative treatment for back pain without the use of scalpels, needles and medications. Because middle back pain causes can range from muscular pain among others, tests are administered in order to know what the root of the pain is and to determine the best approach in treating the problem.
Once the source of pain is discovered, your professional trained Charlotte chiropractor will begin adjustment procedures by applying defined and gentle pressure to a particular area where misalignment was noted. Aside from the spinal manipulation, electric stimulation, as well as hot and cold compress might be rendered depending on the experienced assessment you receive from ChiroCarolina™’s highly qualified Chiropractic Doctors and staff.
Your professionally trained chiropractor will also recommend follow up treatment, along with instructions on how to continue your care with exercise and rest at home. You will also receive tips on what to avoid, such as vigorous activities, overstretching, lifting heavy objects and avoiding stress. By following the instructions of your chiropractors at ChiroCarolina™, you will improve your mid-back pain and improve your overall health. ChiroCarolina™ provides care you can count on.
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