Four studies prove that chiropractic care provides significant and long-term relief for whiplash injuries.
The Foundation of Chiropractic Progress, a non-profit organization that pushes for the promotion of the chiropractic profession through public awareness, recently pointed to four studies that confirm that chiropractic care gives significant and long-term relief for patients with whiplash injuries.
Whiplash injuries refer to injuries to the neck, which is caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head. This often occurs in automobile accidents, amusement rides, falls and while playing sports.
According to Arthur C. Croft, D.C., M.Sc., M.P.H., F.A.C.O., director of the Spine Research Institute in San Diego, “Nearly one out of 15 adult Americans suffers from the annoying and sometimes debilitating long-term effects of whiplash injury, usually in the form of neck stiffness and pain.” He added, “While chiropractic care in the acute stage can often stave off this unpleasant outcome, two of the studies have shown that even in the chronic stage, chiropractic intervention can provide up to 90 percent relief for these sufferers.”
Dr. Croft also referred to research done by Gargan and Bannister, which states, “93 percent of the 28 patients studied retrospectively were found to have a statistically significant improvement following chiropractic care. Chiropractic care in this study consisted of spinal manipulation, PNF (Stretching) and cryotherapy.” In a follow up study by Khan, Cook, Gargan and Bannister in the Journal of Orthopaedic Medicine, they concluded that, “Whiplash injuries are common. Chiropractic is the only proven effective treatment in chronic cases. Our study enables patients to be classified at initial assessment in order to target those patients who will benefit from such treatment.”
Furthermore, two more studies by authors Giles and Muller in the Journal of Manipulative Physiology and Therapy stated that, “For chronic spinal pain in general, when compared to acupuncture and traditional medical approaches, chiropractic has generally shown to be more effective.”
The doctors of ChiroCarolina®, a chiropractic clinic in Charlotte, NC, strongly support the claims made by Dr. Croft and the Foundation of Chiropractic Progress.
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