Are you hurt at work?Consider the best Charlotte chiropractor

Are you hurt at work and are wondering what to do about treatment? Consider the best Charlotte chiropractic care as the answer. Recent studies indicate that people who are hurt at work are less likely to need surgery if they see a chiropractor for treatment. There is a long list of injuries that make it important to see a chiropractor when you get hurt at work. Consider the following:

  • Back and neck injury
  • Rib cage injury
  • Shoulder injury
  • Hip, knee, and ankle injury
  • Falls of any kind
  • Muscle sprains and strains

Some injuries require some form of rehabilitation, such as head injuries, dislocations, or injuries to the major muscles. In such cases, it is advisable to seek the best Charlotte chiropractic care. However, there are some injuries that require you to seek treatment at an emergency room or urgent care clinic, such as injuries that result in cuts or broken bones.

Another reason to see a top Charlotte chiropractor for injuries is because chiropractic care is a natural and non-invasive treatment modality. Often patients are told that they need surgery for chronic back or neck pain, when chiropractic care relieves pain and disease by helping the body to heal itself. A chiropractor seeks to treat patients without the use of harmful drugs and medicines, avoiding the use of painful needles or devices. Charlotte’s best chiropractor has a good working relationship with other healthcare disciplines. If they deem that surgery or some other procedure is necessary, they will expeditiously and willingly refer their patients to the appropriate physicians or healthcare practitioners. This good relationship makes sure that the needs of the patient are met in the best way possible.

Charlotte’s top chiropractor for a work related injury

Are you hurt at work? If so, the first thing that should be done is to notify your employer of the injury and ask them to open a worker’s compensation claim. If you are suffering from a soft tissue or musculoskeletal injury, you have the option to choose the therapist of your choice, and you should consider ChiroCarolina® for an evaluation. If your injury is more of an emergency nature, you will most likely need clearance from your primary care physician or an emergency room physician.

The doctors from ChiroCarolina® are determined to treat you using the most natural means possible, without the need for harmful drugs and surgery. Once you have been evaluated by one of the doctors at ChiroCarolina®, you will begin personalized and recommended treatments designed to restore your health and get you back to work as soon as possible. It is crucial that you make all of your appointments in order to remain in compliance with the worker’s compensation policy. Are you hurt at work? Call ChiroCarolina® for an appointment with the best chiropractors in Charlotte.