What is inflammation?
Do you need to see a top Charlotte NC chiropractor for treatment of your joint inflammation? The common misconception is that inflammation of any sort is bad. It is difficult to watch TV for any length of time without seeing a commercial for medications that are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is like ice cream is to the body. It is can be special when taken in nominal amounts, but too much inflammation will lead to long-term problems. Inflammation is the process that our body uses to protect us against physical damage or infection. If you fall and twist your ankle, the process of inflammation brings fluids that will provide healing and protection for the injured joint. However, there is a problem when inflammation becomes self-perpetuating. Your body produces more anti-inflammatory in response to the existing inflammation. At that point, inflammation no longer helps to heal, it becomes a source of pain and stiffness.
Inflammation and degenerative disease
Chronic inflammation is the most common reason for every degenerative disease we face. Most people are convinced that the best way to deal with inflammation, is to take use of over the counter medications. These types of medications have health threatening side effects. The most common in use over the counter are aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen. These medications have serious side effects such as:
- Digestive problems
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Stomach pain
- GI bleeds
- Kidney disorders
- Increased risk for stroke and heart disease.
The Anti-inflammatory diet
Rather than resorting to the treatment of symptoms through medication, the healthiest and most natural solution is to see a top Charlotte NC chiropractor who can treat the cause(s) of your chronic inflammation. For many patients, the solution is as simple as changing your diet. Patients who live with chronic inflammation, should learn about and consume foods which are naturally anti-inflammatory. Consider the following:
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Nuts
- Wild caught fish
- Organic free range meat
- Omega 3 fats
“Care You Can Count On” for treatment of inflammation from Top Charlotte NC Chiropractor
Eating anti-inflammatory foods is really very simple. However, it is crucial that you visit one of the top Charlotte NC chiropractor for a complete evaluation and dietary consultation. Although lifestyle and stress are absolute factors when it comes to chronic inflammation, the benefit of chiropractic care is that you will receive natural and pain free treatment to eliminate inflammatory pain and its complications.
The doctors at ChiroCarolina™ are experts at the diagnosis and treatment of adults and for children of all ages. Patients visit from all over North Carolina, South Carolina, and from as far as Georgia, Florida and Virginia. ChiroCarolina provides numerous treatment modalities to aid in their healing and optimal health. Chiropractic care should be an integral part of you and your family’s life. Do not hesitate to drop in or to call ChiroCarolina™, one of Charlotte’s top chiropractic centers providing top chiropractic care for the uptown, NoDa, and University area, located conveniently off North Tryon Street.
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