On January 2015, The V Foundation for Cancer Research and the family members of Stuart Scott announced a new fund for cancer research. This new fund is to honor Stuart Scott, an ESPN anchor who lost his fight against cancer. According to The V Foundation and representatives of Scott’s family, his fight against cancer did not end to his death.
In an interview, Susan Scott recalled Stuart’s passion to find a cure: “Stuart’s passion for education was unmatched. He researched every aspect of his treatment to live with and beat cancer. His research revealed cancer’s disparities and the inequities faced in the African American and Hispanic cancer-fighting communities.” Through the Stuart Scott Memorial Cancer Research Fund, the foundation aims to assist vulnerable communities who are also battling this illness.
As Susan Braun, CEO of The V Foundation explains: “Cancer is more than 100 individual diseases. As research accelerates our knowledge, we recognize how varied each individual cancer is, and how the same type of cancer can vary among different people. Many cancers pose more of a problem in different ethnic groups, and cancer overall affects diverse populations in complex ways. Translational research will target these issues.”
Many organizations have already supported the fund. ESPN recently donated $100,000 in memory of Stuart Scott. In Carolina, Dr. Ali, a Charlotte chiropractor, together with the Carolina Physicians Group, will also be contributing to the research. “We are proud as UNC Chapel Hill Grad Physicians to support a great alumni’s memory and raise awareness for research and a cure,” Dr. Ali said.
For the latest news about the Stuart Scott Memorial Cancer Research Fund as well as information on how to contribute, go to The V Foundation.
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