PRLog (Press Release) – Jul. 22, 2013 – CHARLOTTE, N.C. — ChiroCarolina® of Charlotte NC was voted as one of the Carolinas Golf Magazine’s 2013 Top Chiropractors. The award, sponsored by Carolinas Golf Association’s official publication, honors chiropractors for excellence in chiropractic care. Professional Research Services of New York City conducted an online peer review survey for the Carolinas Golf Magazine  Thousands of votes were cast by chiropractors across the state to select the best in quality of care. Peer reviews, usually done by professionals in a variety of fields to evaluate one’s standing within their peer group, help maintain and enhance the quality of performance in the field. Dr. Ali of ChiroCarolina® said, “We are pleased to announce the great honor of such an award.” ChiroCarolina® has provided excellent chiropractic care in Charlotte and North Carolina through the combined experience and expertise of Dr. Henry E. Rice, Dr. Ferzaan A. Ali, and Dr. R. Scott Saario. With the inclusion in the 2013 list of top chiropractors, ChiroCarolina® proved once again its slogan “ChiroCarolina®, care you can count on”. ChiroCarolina® ( specializes in the treatment of chronic and acute pain through comprehensive chiropractic care and acupuncture. Carolinas Golf Association ( is the second largest golf organization in the US.