Chirocarolina in Charlotte is one of the sponsors of a local film contest- Carolinas Film Project 2017
Local chiropractor, Chirocarolina is proud to be a sponsor of the “Made in Carolinas 2017 Film Project.” This year’s topic is “What’s your Story?.”
This event, judged on September 12th, awards top film makers for their creative and original films created for this year’s film project. All films will be seen, publicly, for the first time on September 12th. This is the 8th season of the local film festival. All films are reviewed by an independent panel and the top 10 films well be accepted into the final round of the contest and viewed at the Red Carpet Screening on September 12th at the Studio Movie Grille in the Epicentre.
The Carolina Film Community is a 501c created in April 2009 to provide education, fellowship, and advocacy for Carolina filmmakers, based in Charlotte. The only one of its kind in the Carolinas, for 8 years the Carolina Film Community (CFC) has provided incentives to create films, an annual film festival for locally-made films, an annual Filmmaker Spotlight, a screenwriters’ workshop, a podcast series, and a platform for screening film and television productions.
The CFC is the oldest, most established film community in the Carolinas, and ALL of our money donated goes straight into the filmmakers pockets to encourage them to create more films.
Winners are awarded in the following categories: Best Overall Film, Best Director, Best Performance, Best Cinematography, Best Concept For Film, and Best Student Film.
“Chirocarolina is proud to be a sponsor of this local event. We love to support and be involved in our local community,” states Ferzaan A. Ali, DC- CEO and chiropractor at Chirocarolina.
Chirocarolina is the top chiropractor in the southeast serving Charlotte, and surrounding areas, and has patients flying in all over the United States due to their Preferred Provider status with Wal-Mart, Target, United Airlines, American Airlines and Fed Ex. To learn more about your local Charlotte chiropractor, Chirocarolina- go to
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