On Feb. 15 to 18 in Washington D.C., the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) and Chiropractic Summit hosted the 2012 National Chiropractic Legislative Conference (NCLC). This unprecedented effort marks a historical step toward uniting the chiropractic profession to advance its causes on Capitol Hill.
Hundreds of doctors of chiropractic (DCs), students and supporters participated in the conference to receive advocacy training and to listen to talks from government leaders. The NCLC provided the opportunity to seek support from elected officials. The primary objective of pro-chiropractic legislation is to provide patients, veterans and active-duty military personnel greater access to essential chiropractic care.
The ACA, the Association of Chiropractic Colleges, the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations and the International Chiropractors Association are among the forty one organizations that participate in the Chiropractic Summit which was founded to unite chiropractors.
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