Injured at WorkThe fastest way to rehabilitate

If you have been injured at work, treatment from one of Charlotte’s best chiropractors is the fastest ways to rehabilitate. Their top priority is to get the injured worker back to their pre-accident performance so that they may return to work pain free and at full capacity. Chiropractic care is extremely effective in the treatment for both spinal injuries and injuries to the arms and legs.

Work related injury is a serious concern. Every year, work-related injuries are responsible for billions of dollars in lost productivity and wages. This includes medical costs and employer costs that are associated with millions of lost work hours each year. The most common cause of disability in workers who are younger than 45 is back pain. Improper lifting mechanics and hazardous environments all play a role in increasing the risk of workplace injury.

Chiropractic care is affordable and effective

Chiropractic care is recognized as one of the leading treatments for people injured at work. Studies reveal a significant decrease in the cost of care for individuals that are treated by chiropractors compared to those treated by traditional medicine. This includes the duration period of disability, which is also decreased when the patient receives chiropractic care. The largest study ever conducted on low back pain has determined that chiropractic care is the most effective treatment for low back pain. This explains the recent surge in so many injured individuals turning to chiropractic treatment.

The following are some of the most common reasons for workplace injuries:

Improper lifting techniques

Injury occurs when an employee is using poor technique to exert a great deal of force into a task, such as lifting, tossing, pulling, pushing, carrying, or holding heavy objects.

Motor vehicle accidents

When we think of workplace injury, motor vehicle accidents are not always our first thought. Injuries can occur if employees are struck by a motorized vehicle, or if they suffer a car/truck crash while traveling with a company vehicle. Motor vehicle accidents are plagued by head injuries, spinal injuries, and of course, whiplash from neck trauma.

Repetitive use injuries

When employees are required to perform the same actions over and over on a daily basis, repetitive strain injuries occur. For example, workers who sit at a desk and type all day can develop numbness and tingling in their arms and fingers.

The top chiropractors in Charlotte for employees injured at work

Chiropractors have the most training when it comes to dealing with skeletal and soft tissue injuries in the body. They use a variety of treatments and therapies designed to relieve pain, decrease inflammation, and improve mobility in order to prevent further injury. The doctors at ChiroCarolina® use a combination of spinal manipulation and natural, drug free therapies that are ideal for returning to the workplace in the shortest timeframe, after ensuring an effective recovery. Soft tissue modalities include ultrasound, massage, stretching, and rehab exercises. If you have been injured at work, contact ChiroCarolina® for care and recovery.