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Often people who are experiencing low back pain in Charlotte NC debate between visiting a chiropractor and a medical doctor. While both can help, research does show that chiropractic care can alleviate back pain in patients. A chiropractor can assess your pain and determine whether or not chiropractic care will relieve pain and help prevent pain in the future.

Chiropractic care can help alleviate low back pain
If the underlying problem is caused by muscle or ligament strain, visiting a chiropractor for treatment can be very helpful. Low back pain is not created the same, so an experienced chiropractor at ChiroCarolina® in Charlotte NC will be able to address each situation individually. A chiropractor will be able to refer a patient to a medical doctor as necessary.

Unfortunately, there are millions of people in the United States who suffer from low back pain; many of them suffer unnecessarily. So often, chiropractic care can help alleviate back pain, and even alleviate future back pain. According to research, chiropractic care can help people heal much faster than patients who are experiencing low back pain and do not visit a chiropractor

Chiropractic care varies from practice to practice

Just like many things, chiropractic care varies from practice to practice. ChiroCarolina®, in Charlotte NC, offers innovative chiropractic care. If you are looking for a chiropractor, you should find out how whether they take your insurance; most insurance plans cover chiropractic care! You should also find out where they are located and if your schedule will fit into their available appointments.

Chiropractors are holistic doctors who use natural and conservative methods of care. Chiropractors are concerned with the biomechanics, structure and function of the spine, its effects on the musculoskeletal and neurological systems, and the role that is played by the proper function of these systems in the preservation and restoration of health.

Many theories abound about why chiropractic care works not only on low back pain, but other pain including headache, arthritis, injuries, sciatica, and many more back pain related maladies. The truth is, no one really knows the answer. What Doctors of Chiropractic do know is that chiropractic care works. Time and time again, chiropractors see patients who experience low back pain find relief and restored mobility through chiropractic care.

A medical doctor should treat potentially serious problems

While many conditions can be treated by a chiropractor in Charlotte NC, there are some situations where medical treatment is necessary. A chiropractor will be able to give the patient a physical examination and go through the history of a patient’s health. If necessary, they will refer the patient to a medical doctor.

Are you experiencing low back pain? If so, you do not have to continue suffering your low back pain in silence. Visit ChiroCarolina® in Charlotte NC today for your low back pain relief!