Data from top ranked programs in North America was collected in 2014 showing a comparison of education priorities and clinic hours in Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Medical Doctor (MD), Naturophatic Doctor (ND), Physical Therapist (PT), Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), and Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT). Though education is an important factor in practice, the data did not take into consideration post graduate education, practice preference or clinical specialization.

Doctor of Chiropractic topped the list with academic hours of 3,606 hours and 1,023 clinic hours while Licensed Massage Therapist had the lowest total academic hours of 500 with no clinic hours. Naturophatic Doctor ranked second having 3,348 of academic hours with 1,400 hours of clinical hours. Medical Doctors on the other hand garnered 2,600 academic hours with 2,200 clinic hours. Registered Massage Therapists got a total of 2,116 hours of education and only 635 hours of clinic hours. Doctor of Osteopathy had 2,145 educational hours with 2,520 clinic hours. Physical Therapist had 1,136 educational hours with 1,125 clinic hours. From the said data, it is seen that there is more educational hours for Doctor of Chiropractic while Doctor of Osteopathy had more clinic hours than educational hours.

In terms of Anatomy Hours of Education, Doctor of Chiropractic and Doctor of Osteopathy had the highest number of hours of education with 375 and Physical Therapist had the lowest hours of 112. Similar with Anatomy Training, Doctor of Chiropractic and Doctor of Osteopathy ranked highest in Physiology Educational Hours with 440 hours and Physical Therapist still ranked lowest with 256 hours. Doctor of Chiropractic continue to rank as the highest when it comes to Orthopedics Educational Hours having 594 hours while Medical Doctors ranked lowest with only 45 hours. DCs still rank highest even when it comes to Diagnostic Imaging Educational Hours with 301 hours while RMT showed no results. Physical Therapists however ranked the highest with Rehab & Exercise Educational Hours with 442 hours while DO and MD had no results. When it comes to Soft Tissue Mobilization educational hours, Registered Massage Therapist had 698 hours making them the highest while Medical Doctors had no result. Doctor of Chiropractic had 627 hours of Osseous Manipulation Educational Hours while MD, PT, and RMT showed no results as well. Doctor of Chiropractic ranked highest in Electrotherapeutic Educational Hours. In Nutrition and Botanicals Education Naturophatic Doctor has a great number of 402 hours while PT, MD, and DO have no results to show. Doctor of Osteopathy, Medical Doctor, and Naturophatic Doctor shows similar result of 120 hours in Pharmacology Educational Hours while PT has no result. Lastly, Surgical Educational Hours shows the same result for Doctor of Osteopathy and Medical Doctor with 360 hours while PT and RMT show no results.

ChiroCarolina, a chiropractic clinic in Charlotte, NC, is a trusted go-to clinic for chronic pain and many other illnesses. Its chiropractors and staff are all highly trained with exemplary educational backgrounds and certifications.