Getting ready to come inside
We want to offer you some of the best Charlotte chiropractic tips for boosting your immunity without taking pills or drinking elixirs. Every year, the combination of hectic holiday schedules and being indoors more often with a high concentration of people, it is easier for people to contract a cold or the flu. The top chiropractors in Charlotte help their patients to learn how to improve their immunity naturally. There are some simple and natural ways to help you keep yourself healthy during the cold and flu season. Have you ever had cold symptoms that dragged on for weeks or months? A healthy immune system also helps you to get well faster in the event that you do get sick. Consider the following tips for boosting your immunity:
- Get the proper amount of rest
Some people claim that they do well with only 4 hours of sleep each night. Our experience is that many people who make this claim are type “A” personalities that more or less drive themselves to get more done on less sleep, Research has revealed that individuals who get between 7-8 hours of sleep have stronger immune systems and they get sick less. It also helps to make sure that your rest periods are consistent. Try to avoid staying up late on weekends or your day off. Going to bed and waking up during the same times each day is the key to getting a full night of sleep.
- Eat healthy and get plenty of fluids
It is okay to have an occasional treat, but it is important that you replace sugary processed snacks with fresh fruits and vegetables. Natural foods contain the vitamins, minerals and micronutrients necessary to sustain your body and to keep it healthy. You really are what you eat because what you eat becomes the building blocks of your cells. Our biggest mistake is adopting a diet full of empty calories. In order for your cells to be as healthy as possible, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Drinking water and tea helps to filter the waste products out of your body.
- Get sufficient exercise
You do not have to join a health club or run miles every day. Simply adjust your life style to find a fun and natural way to exercise your muscles. A relaxing walk for 30 minutes a day is helpful for most people. Consider taking the stairs over an elevator or escalator. Do you work on the 25th floor? Then walk to the second or third floor and then catch the elevator. Activities around the home such as gardening, or playing outside with the children can be a fun way to increase your heart rate and strengthen rarely used muscles.
- Schedule regular best Charlotte chiropractic adjustments
Patients who receive regular best Charlotte chiropractic adjustments report that they are sick less often. When your spine is properly aligned and your nerves are functioning at a high level, your body is better prepared to resist chronic headaches, joint pain, sinus infections, and a host of other health issues.
Effective best Charlotte chiropractic treatment in Charlotte, NC
Do not guess about the condition of your health. The doctors at ChiroCarolina® are experts at the diagnosis and treatment of numerous health problems. They utilize several treatment modalities that can have you and your family enjoying optimal health whether it is gentle spinal adjustments, dietary counseling, massage therapy, or lifestyle coaching. It is time to improve your quality of life. Patients visit from all over North Carolina, South Carolina, and from as far as Georgia, Florida and Virginia. Find some answers for your back pain at ChiroCarolina®, one of Charlotte’s top chiropractic centers providing quality best Charlotte chiropractic care for the uptown, NoDa, and University area- located conveniently off North Tryon Street.
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