Chronic low back pain chiropractic care to manage

Low back pain (LBP) is not necessarily an acute problem that goes away within 6 weeks. Chronic pain can persist at least as long as 12 weeks, even indefinitely. This can require patients to receive additional chiropractic care, along with any other medical services they may need.

What do chiropractors do?

Chiropractors utilize a series of treatments designed to manipulate the spine, joints, and tissues of the body to relieve pain and improve functional ability. Generally, this would be referred to as spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), but there are many other chiropractic treatment methods.

A chiropractor tailors his or her treatment approach based on the individual needs of a patient, using a traditional philosophy of starting off with the more natural, less-invasive therapies before moving on to some more aggressive methods.

Goals of Chiropractic Care

Low back pain can be effectively managed by a chiropractor.

Regardless if the pain is chronic, acute, or recurrent, chiropractors share the same treatment goals.

  • Minimize the patient’s time lost at work
  • Support the patient’s current level of function
  • Control and relieve the patient’s pain
  • Minimize the risk for further functional decline or disability
  • Minimize exacerbation frequency and severity
  • Maximize satisfaction
  • Reduce and/or minimize the reliance on medications

Initial treatment for low back pain

Like many other modern medical practices, the chiropractic profession emphasizes the use of evidence-based methods that have been shown to be safe and effective.

High-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) manipulation techniques are typical for treating low back pain. This manual therapy is one of the oldest techniques used by the chiropractic profession, whereby the clinician uses their hands to apply a short, quick thrust to the spine to try to restore its mobility and function. The technique has variations, as well, like using body positioning or special tables and chairs to facilitate a different manipulation approach.

However, an initial course of chiropractic treatment can vary, especially if a patient has complicating factors. Some patients may have comorbidities, like severe osteoporosis, a progressive neurologic disorder, or an inflammatory condition. These are conditions, or “red flags,” that contraindicate high-velocity manipulation to the lumbar spine. Your Charlotte chiropractor will tailor his treatment method to your need.

Best chiropractic clinic in Charlotte 

For a greater improvement, treatment, and good management of your low back pain, book an appointment with us today. ChiroCarolina®, one of Charlotte’s premier chiropractic clinics, is known throughout the Southeast for providing the best chiropractic care in the residential, NoDa, and college areas, conveniently located on North Tryon Street. Trust ChiroCarolina® in Charlotte:  visited by patients throughout the south:  North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, and Texas.