Neck pain and chiropractic careFinding the cause of neck pain

When you see a chiropractor for neck pain and chiropractic care, the doctor will evaluate your spine as a whole because other regions of the spine may be affected besides your neck. Chiropractors treat the whole person, not just your symptoms. In addition to treatments for your neck pain, your chiropractor may coach you on stress management, lifestyle goals, and nutrition. Before determining the best approach to relieve your pain, the chiropractor will perform a thorough and comprehensive examination to diagnose the specific cause of your neck pain.

The initial exam

In addition to the physical exam, the chiropractor will also review your medical history. The doctor will most likely order imaging tests to help diagnose the exact cause of your neck pain. Every step in the diagnostic process will give your chiropractor the exact causes of your neck pain, which helps your chiropractor create a treatment plan customized for you. The chiropractor will also seek to rule out any neck condition that requires surgery. If it is determined that your neck pain would be better treated by surgery, then the chiropractor will refer you to the proper medical practitioner.

Neck pain and arm pain

Neck and arm pain are very common issues for adults. Some of the factors that cause neck and arm pain are related to injury, poor posture, and repetitive use. This pain ranges from sharp stabbing pain, to a dull ache, to radiating pain from the neck to the hand. A condition that is closely associated with neck and arm pain is carpal tunnel syndrome. To address the discomfort and pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome, chiropractors use precise and gentle therapy that intends to bring back motion to restricted spinal joints in an effort to improve the overall health of the spine.

In addition to gentle adjustments on the spine, chiropractors also use physiotherapy and neuromuscular electrical stimulation. The duration of treatments will depend upon the severity of the condition, the age of the patient, and the usual activities performed by the person. Your chiropractor may also recommend therapeutic exercises. These can help improve the range of motion in your neck, while preventing neck pain from progressing.

Neck pain and chiropractic care in Charlotte, NC

ChiroCarolina® wants to be your Charlotte chiropractors. They practice natural and conservative methods of health care. Doctors of chiropractic have a deep respect for the ability of the human to heal itself without the use of surgery or medication. They are focused on the treatment and prevention of disease, as well as the promotion of public health and a total wellness approach to patient healthcare. If you are looking for exceptional care, schedule a visit to ChiroCarolina® for neck pain and chiropractic care.