Recent study revealed that a handful studies conducted in European countries have used the terms Chiropractor and Chiropractic manipulation inappropriately in medical studies in relation to injuries associated with spinal manipulation (Adrian B. Wenban Chiropractic & Osteopathy, 2006). The study points out that there are 24 printed medical literature which used the terms improperly to point injuries associated with spinal manipulation to chiropractors and chiropractic manipulation, the study found out that most of these medical research did not involve chiropractors who went through appropriate and formal training to become licensed chiropractors.
It can be noted that legitimate and licensed chiropractors go through a 5 year education system which enables them to diagnose, correct and treat medical conditions within their scope. There were journals and medical research all of which were published on an online open access resource (pubmed) which identifies the risks and injuries induced through SMT, with this regard, this study (Adrian B. Wenban Chiropractic & Osteopathy, 2006) clarified the relevancy and appropriateness of the use of the terms and what were the qualifications of the health care providers were. One research in question entitled Vertebral artery dissections after chiropractic manipulation conducted their research on 36 medical professionals in different specialties, 4 (11%) of which are chiropractors and 18 were orthopaedic surgeons. Chiropractic & Osteopathy, 2006 suggest that chiropractic manipulation in the title was inappropriate since the number of chiropractors involved in the study were minimal compared orthopaedic surgeons involved with the study.
The conclusion of this study points out that chiropractor and chiropractic manipulation has been inconsistently used and connected to SMT induced injuries. The study concluded that most of the cited research and medical journals in question studied subjects that are not considered chiropractors with regard to proper educational background and chiropractor’s association standards.
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