The best chiropractic clinic doctors in Charlotte, NC, are highly trained. These professionals use hands-on methods and techniques to treat pains, speed up healing. The most common case scenario is that of back pain. A lot of people experience back pain because of job...
With many years of extensive experience in the field of Chiropractic Medicine, doctors at ChiroCarolina® are often requested as expert witnesses to give their professional clinical opinion on injured patients in a courtroom setting. In the past month Dr. Saario...
Charlotte Chiropractors Dr. Saario and Dr. Ali attended the Chiropractic Association State Conference held at the Grand Resort in North Carolina on October 5 to 7 for continuing education in the chiropractic field. With at least 750 attendees from different states,...
Today, almost anyone can suffer from musculoskeletal ailments such as neck pain, back pain and whiplash. Some patients choose pain medications over alternative remedies such as physical therapy, exercise and chiropractic care. On the average, most patients who...
ChiroCarolina®’s very own Dr. Ali, Charlotte chiropractor, will be attending a research symposium in August 2012 which will cover a wide range of topic in chronic pain management for chiropractic veteran patients. The aim of this medical symposium is to gauge the...
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